Standard 1

Scientific & Theoretical KnowledgePhysical education teacher candidates know and apply discipline-specific scientific and theoretical concepts critical to the development of physically educated individuals.

Standard 1
Scientific and Theoretical
Element 1.1: Describe and apply physiological
and bio mechanical concepts related to skillful
movement, physical activity and fitness.
Artifact: Muscles & Weight Training
Date: Spring 2010
This assignment was a final paper that I had to
write for my Current Issues in Health &
Wellness class. For this paper we need to write
about two of the five components of health
related fitness. I chose to do mine on muscular
strength and muscular endurance. This represents
progress towards the standard because the
physiological concepts in the paper can allow the
production of skillful movement during physical
activity which, when repeated in an planned and
 organized manner, can lead to achievement of fitness.
This is important to my development as a teacher
because understanding  the physiological
 concepts of the muscles is key to being able
to properly develop them in both students and
Muscles & Weight Training Paper